#1 Carmelo Anthony shows how they do it in Baltimore where he's from. I guess Baltimore is full of wanksters scared to fight.
-26 second mark-Anthony sucker punches a NY Knick and proceeds to run backwards down the court.
-36 second mark-Anthony has reached mid-court, still back-pedaling from the infuriated Knick player. WTF? He just set a new record for Bitch-Ass Back-Pedal From Baseline to HalfCourt time.
-46 second mark-Anthony isn't even in the picture anymore! Where is Carmelo? That motherfucker I think fucking ran into the stands! Wow, that's unbelievably...bitchlike.
Beeyotch Grade: A
-Melo totally moved from Wannabe Gangster to complete Wankster in the span of 20 seconds.
-He did a great job in showing the world that Baltimore is filled with bitch-ass marks that will sucker punch and run from a fight in record time. Kudos Melo, I glad that wearing baggy clothes has helped hide your menstrual period, but the truth is out you little beeyotch.
#2 Kevin Garnett starts a fight with Antonio McDyess. Then miraculously transforms into a white man fleeing from a angry black man. This shit is priceless. KG thought he was hard; the hardest thing in KGs house now is the erection on his dog.
Beeyotch Grade: B+
-KG tries to defend his teammate by first pushing and then tossing the ball at McDyess. First of all that was a bitch shove. If your going to push a man, FUCKING PUSH a man. No wussy-ass flailing at someone like your Suzie Rotten-Crotch on the playground. Then he tops it off by barely tossing the ball at McDyess' chest from 2 feet away. WTF KG? You think after those two wankster ass moves McDyess isn't going to have your ass now? He know's your a bitch and he's out for blood.
-Once McDyess advances on him in a menacing manner, KG transforms in the Bob from Accounting and starts backing the fuck up. But he's still trying to hold on to his masculinity by a thread, but it backfires horribly on him. KG throws a weak, girly right hook in the general direction of McDyess' collar bone. Maybe he has been listening to too much Wu Tang Clan shit and thought he has hitting a pressure point? Naaawwww, KG's a bitch. His manhood was scooped out and sold on eBay when he decided to stay in Minnesota and be Glen Taylor's bitch.
-KG grades lower than Melo because at least he stayed on the court, abeit behind teammates, coaches and officials. That's worth about a Warm Bucket of Spit.
#3-Dwayne Wade. This shit is solid-fucking-gold. You would think that being protected by the refs would have kept him safe. But what happens when little Dwayne hurts his little shoulder?
-Cry you little bitch CRY. WTF is this little bitch ass crying about? I've seen KIDS cry less when they're hurt.
-And WTF is up with the wheelchair. And they didn't just wheel his ass to the locker room either-he went straight into a fucking AMBULANCE in the wheelchair. Here's some photographic proof:
-Wade's a beeyotch and now there is no doubt. This mewling, slobbering Wussy is getting crucified all over the intertubes. Read this shit from the SuperiorPics forum:
Doctors cannot examine Wade's injury because everytime they touch him, they get called for a foul... 13 doctors have already been fouled out and sent home for the night... STAY TUNED!!!!!!
Stay tuned for some more NBA Players That Are Beeytoches Awards.