Thursday, February 8, 2007

Here's what this bitch-ass, trick-ass little disgrace SHOULD have said in his press conference today...

Thank you everybody for coming today. I have a statement that I would like to read. As all of you know, I did not accompany my unit for deployment to fight in Iraq. First I told you guys that I believed the war was illegal and that's why I was confined to base, hanging around headquarters like a Two-Dollar basehead waiting for a trick. But today I would like to tell you the truth. And the truth is...I'm a just a little biatch. I'm literally and figuratively a YELLOW coward. You may find it ironic that a asian man is calling himself 'yellow' but it's a double-entrende, since my back is as yellow as Benedict Arnold's.

Yes, I refused to go to Iraq with my platoon of soldiers that counted on me for my leadership. And yes I admit I accepted a commission and I accepted a promotion to 1st LT, and I accepted a posting to a infantry, combat unit. But that doesn't mean shit to a back-slider like myself. I know now that I should have never joined a profession that uses words like Duty, Honor, Country. I mean, do they use words like that in like, you know, regular jobs? I don't think so. And I do not appreciate being called names like punk, pogue, trick, pillow-biter, traitor, mark, rat-bastard, shithouse lawyer, bitch-ass punk, trick-ass mark, fucking goddamn rat bastard or any other combination thereof. I mean grow the hell up people. I have to look out for all the rest of the Army, all 99.9% of them that have not realized the truth like I have. This whole Army, guns, death business in the Middle East is not what I signed up for. The daily reports of carnage and mayhem in Iraq is exactly the kind of stuff that I can change, back here in the rear, with the gear-so to speak. You can be I intend to disgrace err...speak-out on the illegal war out there. I am going to fight this court-martial as hard as my former platoon is probably fighting in Iraq. Thank you.


snapoffmode said...
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snapoffmode said...

someone get Jack on the line.

Timmy said...

Very nice attire. Fitting for Army Lt's.

Anonymous said...

I think our 'specialist' has one of these suits in his closet

Hits Beeyotch