Monday, February 5, 2007

I know this is out of left field but...Why the fuck is The Gap fucking slipping?

Aight beeyotches, I ain't no fashion plate by any means. The last time I went shopping for clothes was for a funeral. I ain't no metro-sexual wussy and I ain't no asian wankster. But there is some shit that bothers the fuck outta me and thats the crazy shit going on with the Gap right now. It seems like the 50th fucking executive has bolted from that motherfucker in 3 months. Gap's been around since I was a kid, shit, my entire fucking family is clad in Gap, Old Navy and Banana. I'd be walking around buck ass nekkid if it wasn't for them. Shit was cheap, looked fine and the fucking stores were everywhere. And earlier in 2000 they were fucking legit, their ads made you feel good about wearing Gap shit like these:

Looking at that shit now, it is fucking obvious that Apple has stolen Gap's fucking mojo. First it was that 'Think Different' campaign, remember?

How different was Apple thinking when Gap was running shit like this already at the same time:

Apple's blowing the fuck up with their iPod ads:

But do you remember these Gap ads:

They are just Gap ads in black silhouette!

Same demographic, same target audiences, Apple took that fucking mojo quick style and are fucking raking in the $crill.
Gap better get off its ass. Cheap motherfuckers like me need their quasi-upper-middle-class cachet to not appear to be the cheapskate that I am. Where the hell am I going to get 3packs of seasonal boxers for less than $10? Fucking Wal-Mart? Get your shit together Gap: Azn motherfuckers are counting on you.

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Hits Beeyotch