Thursday, February 1, 2007

The Purple One...will live forever

Since the Superbowl is upon us, its time to talk halftime entertainment obviously, because the game is going to suck the sweat off a donkey's scrotum. This year Prince will be performing. Everyone has their impressions of Prince:
Androgenous She-man

Jheri-curled-Lace Be-decked charlatan

Nevertheless, true motherfuckers know that Prince is one of the biggest pimps/guitarists/artists in the last 20 years of music. I don't think anyone will deny that the motherfucker has got nine-lives like freaking cat. You don't start recording back in the 70s and still be relevent almost 30 years later. And no one doubts Prince's hedonistic lifestyle, his straight craziness-just look at the motherfucker, he's liable to lick you up the side of face or give you the stinkeye with his freakish eyes and perfectly trimmed facial hair. David Chappelle and Charlie Murphy did a sketch about crazy Prince from the 80s. Don't pull a muscle laughing.

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Hits Beeyotch