Wednesday, March 21, 2007

How O.J. Mayo, Basketball Diva decided to go to USC: This wanker is a fucking joke

So let me see if I understand this: O.J. Mayo is a 6'5" high school shooting guard who has bounced all over the nation playing basketball for 5 different schools. Typical for a shithead athlete-someone's always willing to give him a chance right? But this shitbird has already racked up a rapsheet worthy of a motherfucker in the pros:

-Assaulting fellow students during homecoming dance.
-Got busted with some dank.
-Bumped a ref, got suspended, got a fucking judge to throw out the suspension, and played in the nationally televised high school basketball game.

This kid is supposed to be the best high school basketball player in the country right now. But he can't jump to the NBA because they banned fools jumping straight to the pros from high school last year. So he's gotta go to college somewhere. So apparently he 'chose' USC.
Here are some excerpts from that article in the NY Times about how this came about:

A stranger walked into the University of Southern California basketball office one day last summer and asked to speak to the head coach. The stranger did not make an appointment. He did not call ahead. Tim Floyd, the U.S.C. head coach, cannot explain why he agreed to see him.

The mysterious man got right to the point. “How would you like to have the best player in the country?” he asked.Floyd tried not to roll his eyes.“Have you heard of O. J. Mayo?” the man asked.Of course Floyd had heard of him. Everyone in basketball had heard of him. Mayo was first mentioned in Sports Illustrated when he was in the seventh grade. He was considered a future lottery pick by the time he entered high school. He once talked trash to Michael Jordan during a pickup game at Jordan’s camp.

“O. J. wanted me to come here today,” the man told Floyd. “He wanted me to figure out who you are.”

“Why aren’t you at Arizona or Connecticut?” Floyd recalled asking.The man explained that Mayo wanted to market himself before going to the N.B.A., and that Los Angeles would give him the best possible platform.“Then why aren’t you at U.C.L.A.?” Floyd asked.The man shook his head. U.C.L.A. had already won 11 national championships. It had already produced many N.B.A. stars. Mayo wanted to be a pioneer for a new era.
WTF? Turns out that guy wasn't Mayo's dad(does he even know who he is?), uncle or any other relative. He was a fucking event promoter that 'befriended' Mayo. Remember this shithead is still in high school

“Let me call him,” Floyd said.The man shook his head again. “O. J. doesn’t give out his cell,” he said. “He’ll call you.”
Wow, "O.J. doesn't give out his cell". And Tim Floyd is supposed to coach this kid? Floyd should of told this rat-fuck to get the hell out of his office and take his horse with him. Of course Floyd creams his pants at the thought of getting his piece of prime beef at USC. Later Mayo calls him:
When Floyd answered the phone, he heard a teenager’s voice on the other end: “Coach, this is O. J. Mayo. I’d like to come to your school.”
Mayo asks how many scholarships does Floyd have and then tells Floyd that he'll bring some of his homies to play at USC too-WTF who's recruiting who now?
Before Floyd hung up, he asked one more time for Mayo’s cellphone number. “No,” Mayo said. “I’ll call you.”
Jeezus. I can see this ending really well for USC and Mayo. He's going to enjoy the college experience soooooo much. Tim Floyd will be his mentor, father-figure and coach him to help his game and Mayo will embrace it because he's all about improving himself as a player, but most importantly as a person.

Pftttt...yeah right. This is the fucking Titanic beeyotch. Pieces of Shit like Mayo have only one redeeming quality in their bodies-a talent for putting a leather ball through a metal hoop. No respect, no values, no personalities, no work ethic. Cue up "Send in the Clowns" USC is going to need it when this idiot gets on campus. The Bucket of Shit Award this month goes to O.J. Mayo, Tim Floyd, and USC.

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Hits Beeyotch