Some Joes in Iraq, terrorizing the the population again. Those fucking stormtroopers have no shame. Those Iraqi people are probably just trying to cross this bridge when Dubya's running-dog-Gestapo-US Army thugs ran up on them and probably start demanding money or food or probably sexual favors from the woman. They are obviously terrified. There are probably 20 other soldiers pointing their weapons at them, forcing them to smile at gunpoint, it's sickening. Thank God we have photographic proof of this criminal shit going on over there. It was probably a Reuters photographer who bravely took this Pulitzer Prize worthy pic. Those guys are known for their journalistic integrity and courage. Bring our soldiers home so me and my cronies..err fellow-activists can mock...err speak to them!
/end sarcasm
Seriously, all you Joes serving this country of ours, keep up the good work. As Drill Sergeant Blossom said "Stay Alert, Stay Alive"
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