Wednesday, July 18, 2007

SnapOffMode is going to the San Diego Comic Convention

Here's a pic of some of SnapOffMode's friends that he's hooking up with. I think he met the one of the right playing AoE with SanCasm.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Fucking SnapOffMode is playing with FIRE

Cpt Kirk can't die because Heaven isn't big enough for his BRASS BALLS

You know how you joke with your friends, but there are some areas are just off-limits? Well for me its the usual shit, it goes like this:

Don't talk shit about my wife, kids, family of course. Then it kind of veers off into a fucking area that will get you fucked up.

One of these areas is Captain James Tiberius Kirk of the Starship Enterprise. I truly believe that he was the manliest man in the entire fucking galaxy. He would have kicked Chuck Norris's ass, then fucked Chuck Norris in the ass-not because he was gay, but because he was such a fucking bad ass and he was totally comfortable in his manliness.

So, I'm away from the blog for a bit and then I see this shit? WTF Foolio? It's all easy to clown on The Kirk. I mean, he's got his haters and shit. I thought SnapOffMode was a little more enlightened. I thought wrong. So for the next couple of weeks, keep a eye on this page. Motherfucker's are going to be broken off.

I am not a JappoPhile or a HanGookoPhile, but I know fucking good tunes

One day my boy Jae was watching his usual Korean tapes and shit at the Crib. Then this song comes on and I listen to it for a second and I'm hooked like Lindsey Lohan to a 12in line of blow in the woman's restroom in the club. K-Pop is the shit. This song is the shit. Enjoy beeytoches.

Hits Beeyotch