Monday, March 26, 2007

Pic of the Day: I Can't Make This Shit Up Edition

Lil John went out and got himself in the Guinness Book of World Records with this FUCKING rope and 'pendant'. This motherfucker is rocking a $500,000 "Crunk Ain't Dead" pendant. I guess proper grammar wasn't included either. Here's a quote from the article"

Jon, real name Jonathan Smith, says, "I'm glad the Guinness World Records folks acknowledged me and my 'Crunk Aint Dead' piece. I spent a load of money on that chain.

"I had no idea I would break a record and be recognized for it. It's an honor. ... I grew up reading and hearing about people and celebrities who break records in the Guinness world records book and it always fascinated me. Now I'm on the list."

And the rapper has sent out a challenge to his peers to try and top his feat of bling: "Let's just see how many rappers try to outdo my pendant and break my record."

Amazing. Good for him. We all need challenges in our lives, whether its to write a novel, climb Mt. Everest or rock 500k worth of ice and gold on our necks. Here's to you Lil Jon, may you live long enough to pawn that beeyotch when your down on your luck.

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Hits Beeyotch