Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Eagle has landed

First I got to get a shout out to my boy Terrell Owens. Here's a pic of "The Catch II". Once he caught that pass from Steve Young, he got DOTTED by two Packers and still held on to the winning catch. No one could take a hit like T.O. All haters can suck a fat dick.

Aight, back to tonight's regularly scheduled programming:

What is WTF Foolio? Well let me explain in two parts:

If you have never heard that term before spelled with that acronym, then get the f*ck off that computer and let someone who knows how to use one get on. Your probably a f*cking troglodyte anyway and your stealing oxygen from the rest of us.

Now that we've got that out of the way, what is Foolio? It's just a play on the word fool. I like calling people foolios. As in "What's up foolio?" Back in 1993 when I was in college I used to work at Nordstrom in the SF Centre. There was a restaurant on the 2nd floor called the Pub. There we had a sous chef named Johnny. A short, stocky, Mexican, ex-con sous chef. He had prison tats up and down his arms and torso, he liked wearing wife beater shirts, sported a f*cking Mexican mullet and rocked vato flannel shirts, I mean all that La Familia shit. But when Johnny was at work he was all business- he wore the cook's blouse, those checkered cook pants and was polite to everyone, even the shithead Anglo waiters who used to fuck with us lowly busboys and cooks. Anyway Johnny was the dude that called people foolio, but he had his pattern. If he was calling you foolio, that meant he wasn't mad at you, which meant that you could go into his kitchen and eat anything you could get your hands on. If he didn't call you foolio, then had better not make eye-contact with him because he would have probably shanked you with a sharpened spoon.

Ahh the memories.

So these days I use foolio as a term of endearment-for my homies and co-workers that I like. So I'm upholding the tradition that started with good 'ol Johnny, ex-con sous chef at Nordstrom.

Put both terms together and you got WTF Foolio, my blog. I'm a observant person. I go about my day not bothering anyone. But when I see something weird, jacked-up or fucked up-the first question that comes to my mind is "What The Fuck Foolio?" So I'm putting these observations in the ether. If you don't like it too bad, go here and get your rocks off.

As Dr. Dre said "The motherfucking saga continues..."

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Hits Beeyotch